Welcome to my little place on the Web for the sharing of photos from the West coast of the U.S. It is my pleasure to share with you some of the wonderful beauty from the heart of Silicon Valley, the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. On this site, you'll find collections of photos from several genres:  scenic, music, festivals, social events, life in the community and more. If this is your first time here and you're wondering where to start, try browsing the "Yearly Top Pics" review in the Featured Albums tab below.

Current photos now have maximum resolutions of 1550x1040 pixels. Older galleries may have smaller resolutions. Let me know if you would like a higher resolution image - eg.: (widescreen sample—1920 pixel width). Most images on this site are available for purchase. If you are interested in obtaining a gallery set or would like high resolution images or prints, then please see our pricing page.

Since there are several different audiences viewing the photos, some event galleries are split into two sections. In the first section labeled PICKS, you'll find some selected featured photos of the event. You can get an overview of the event by browsing that section.   If you have particular interest in an event, then you can also preview the rest of the photos in the EXTRAS section. 

You can also see more photos and videos on myfacebook portal.

-Don Abel
Campbell, California, USA

Personal Website: All of the photo sets of public events on this website, except where noted by an asterisk (*), were taken on my own and presented here as a way of sharing memories with the public. There was not any official connection with the events nor their producers. "nicepics" is a personal website only. But if you should have an event you are planning and would like to have picture memories of the day, please visit SouthBayPhotos.com, or you can email me for availability and pricing. For further details, see the "Event Photos" box to the right.

Comments?  Suggestions? - Contact me

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Event Photos
Are you throwing a birthday, anniversary or retirement party? Or maybe having a grand opening or community festival? Would you like someone to take photos of your special event for you (and even present on your own website)? If you are interested in finding out more, then visit the website SouthBayPhotos.com. Flexible pricing and package plans available.

I hope you enjoy browsing the photos on this site! If you do, please consider making a small donation. You can contribute using PayPal or credit card by clicking on the Donate button below. Much appreciated!

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